目的:多发性硬化症(MS)是一种自身免疫和脱髓鞘疾病,导致中枢神经系统的病变。可以使用磁共振成像(MRI)跟踪和诊断该疾病。到目前为止,多数多层自动生物医学方法用于在成本,时间和可用性方面对患者没有有益的病变。本文的作者提出了一种使用只有一个模态(Flair Image)的方法,准确地将MS病变分段。方法:由3D-Reset和空间通道注意模块进行设计,灵活的基于补丁的卷积神经网络(CNN),以段MS病变。该方法由三个阶段组成:(1)对比度限制自适应直方图均衡(CLAHE)被施加到原始图像并连接到提取的边缘以形成4D图像; (2)尺寸80 * 80 * 80 * 2的贴片从4D图像中随机选择; (3)将提取的贴片传递到用于分割病变的关注的CNN中。最后,将所提出的方法与先前的相同数据集进行比较。结果:目前的研究评估了模型,具有测试集的ISIB挑战数据。实验结果表明,该方法在骰子相似性和绝对体积差方面显着超越了现有方法,而该方法仅使用一种模态(Flair)来分割病变。结论:作者推出了一种自动化的方法来分割基于最多两种方式作为输入的损伤。所提出的架构由卷积,解卷积和SCA-VOXRES模块作为注意模块组成。结果表明,所提出的方法优于与其他方法相比良好。
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The deep neural network (DNN) models for object detection using camera images are widely adopted in autonomous vehicles. However, DNN models are shown to be susceptible to adversarial image perturbations. In the existing methods of generating the adversarial image perturbations, optimizations take each incoming image frame as the decision variable to generate an image perturbation. Therefore, given a new image, the typically computationally-expensive optimization needs to start over as there is no learning between the independent optimizations. Very few approaches have been developed for attacking online image streams while considering the underlying physical dynamics of autonomous vehicles, their mission, and the environment. We propose a multi-level stochastic optimization framework that monitors an attacker's capability of generating the adversarial perturbations. Based on this capability level, a binary decision attack/not attack is introduced to enhance the effectiveness of the attacker. We evaluate our proposed multi-level image attack framework using simulations for vision-guided autonomous vehicles and actual tests with a small indoor drone in an office environment. The results show our method's capability to generate the image attack in real-time while monitoring when the attacker is proficient given state estimates.
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Over-approximating the reachable sets of dynamical systems is a fundamental problem in safety verification and robust control synthesis. The representation of these sets is a key factor that affects the computational complexity and the approximation error. In this paper, we develop a new approach for over-approximating the reachable sets of neural network dynamical systems using adaptive template polytopes. We use the singular value decomposition of linear layers along with the shape of the activation functions to adapt the geometry of the polytopes at each time step to the geometry of the true reachable sets. We then propose a branch-and-bound method to compute accurate over-approximations of the reachable sets by the inferred templates. We illustrate the utility of the proposed approach in the reachability analysis of linear systems driven by neural network controllers.
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GTFLAT, as a game theory-based add-on, addresses an important research question: How can a federated learning algorithm achieve better performance and training efficiency by setting more effective adaptive weights for averaging in the model aggregation phase? The main objectives for the ideal method of answering the question are: (1) empowering federated learning algorithms to reach better performance in fewer communication rounds, notably in the face of heterogeneous scenarios, and last but not least, (2) being easy to use alongside the state-of-the-art federated learning algorithms as a new module. To this end, GTFLAT models the averaging task as a strategic game among active users. Then it proposes a systematic solution based on the population game and evolutionary dynamics to find the equilibrium. In contrast with existing approaches that impose the weights on the participants, GTFLAT concludes a self-enforcement agreement among clients in a way that none of them is motivated to deviate from it individually. The results reveal that, on average, using GTFLAT increases the top-1 test accuracy by 1.38%, while it needs 21.06% fewer communication rounds to reach the accuracy.
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心电图(ECG)是用于监测心脏电信号和评估其功能的最常见和常规诊断工具。人心脏可能患有多种疾病,包括心律不齐。心律不齐是一种不规则的心律,在严重的情况下会导致心脏中风,可以通过ECG记录诊断。由于早期发现心律不齐非常重要,因此在过去的几十年中,计算机化和自动化的分类以及这些异常心脏信号的识别引起了很多关注。方法:本文引入了一种轻度的深度学习方法,以高精度检测8种不同的心律不齐和正常节奏。为了利用深度学习方法,将重新采样和基线徘徊清除技术应用于ECG信号。在这项研究中,将500个样本ECG段用作模型输入。节奏分类是通过11层网络以端到端方式完成的,而无需手工制作的手动功能提取。结果:为了评估提出的技术,从两个Physionet数据库,MIT-BIH心律失常数据库和长期AF数据库中选择了ECG信号。基于卷积神经网络(CNN)和长期记忆(LSTM)的组合,提出的深度学习框架比大多数最先进的方法显示出令人鼓舞的结果。所提出的方法达到98.24%的平均诊断准确性。结论:成功开发和测试了使用多种心电图信号的心律失常分类的训练有素的模型。意义:由于本工作使用具有高诊断精度的光分类技术与其他值得注意的方法相比,因此可以在Holter Monitor设备中成功实施以进行心律失常检测。
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智能EHealth应用程序通过遥感,连续监控和数据分析为客户提供个性化和预防性的数字医疗服务。智能EHealth应用程序从多种模态感知输入数据,将数据传输到边缘和/或云节点,并使用计算密集型机器学习(ML)算法处理数据。连续的嘈杂输入数据,不可靠的网络连接,ML算法的计算要求以及传感器 - 边缘云层之间的计算放置选择会影响ML驱动的EHEADH应用程序的效率。在本章中,我们介绍了以优化的计算放置,准确性绩效权衡的探索以及用于ML驱动的EHEADH应用程序的跨层次感觉的合作式化的技术。我们通过传感器 - 边缘云框架进行客观疼痛评估案例研究,证明了在日常设置中智能eHealth应用程序的实际用例。
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